New Member Experience

The Zeta Is Forever New Member Experience emphasizes the values of the Fraternity, found in our Creed. The weekly lessons are: Seek Greatness, Seek Understanding, Seek Purpose, Seek Sisterhood and Seek the Noblest.

Prior to the weekly meeting, new members complete an online educational workshop regarding that week’s topic. These online workshops allow for fewer lectures and more discussion and engagement with other new members during meetings, building overall sisterhood and a connection to the Fraternity. The meetings include icebreakers, a review of the online module, interactive activities and a personal reflection.

All first-year Zetas participate in the New Member Experience, CommunityEdu, Initiation and two post-Initiation lessons (Seek Meaning and Seek Commitment) during the same semester as when they join the chapter.


To our Newest Zeta Sisters, 

Welcome to Zeta Tau Alpha! To begin, we just want to let you know how excited we are to have you here. Sorority life is going to be like nothing else you’ll ever experience, and we can guarantee it will be one of the most incredible adventures of your life if you are willing to give it your best. We also want you to know that Zetas will be behind you throughout the entire journey, whether it’s the good, the bad, or the in-between. You will come to hold Zetas as your dearest friends and sisters. You’ve just inherited the biggest family yet! 

Your first Quarter as a Zeta will be filled with lessons on ZTA history, traditions, and most importantly, an introduction to our sisterhood. Zeta Tau Alpha is more than just a sorority, and we know you’ll come to understand this too. Adjusting to college and sorority life is an exciting time for everyone, and we can guarantee you won’t want to miss any of it! 

On behalf of the entire chapter, we welcome you into our chapter and know your Zeta experience is one you will treasure for a lifetime. 

Zeta Love,

Darcie Bender
VP II, New Member Coordinator

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