Recruitment Information

Dear Potential New Member,

Congratulations on becoming a husky! I am so excited to welcome you to our campus and our Greek community. Coming into UW, I knew I wanted to join lots of clubs and organizations, I wanted to find that sense of community on such a big campus. It was in Greek life where I found that and so much more. The entire Panhellenic community is full of kind, intelligent, and welcoming women who all found a sense of belonging through their chapters. The ladies I have met and the connections I have made are truly lifelong.

When going through recruitment it was Zeta’s philanthropy, Breast Cancer Education and Awareness, that immediately drew me to the chapter. It has always been near and dear to me as it is for many of our members, whether through a personal connection or not. We are all passionate about serving our UW community as well as the greater Seattle community through ribbon passings, educational workshops, fundraising events, or a member’s personal volunteering efforts. 

In Zeta, we hold 9 Key Values close to our hearts: Being Rather than Seeming, Humility, Leadership, Lifelong Learning, Love, Loyalty & Commitment, Responsibility, Seeking Understanding that We Might Gain True Wisdom, and Service & Philanthropy.
Our members embody these values through their words, but also in their actions. Being a Zeta means encouraging a sister to run for leadership because you recognize how she can command the room. Being a Zeta means organizing a study session for the sister in your class who may be struggling with a homework. Being a Zeta means helping your sister prepare for an interview for that job she’s been trying to get. It looks different for every single woman in our chapter, but we support each other in anything and everything that comes our way. 

I am proud to be our Vice President of Membership and I am honored to welcome the Member Class ‘24 home this fall! In my 3 years at UW and as a Zeta, I have grown tremendously as a person, a leader, a student, and a friend, and I can not wait for you to experience this too. I know I can speak for all of us when I say we are so excited to meet you! 

Zeta Love and Mine,
Dani Valdez

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